Institute for International
Cooperation and Development Studies

Patxi Zabalo

Patxi Zabalo

Professor and researcher

“Soy un docente vocacional al que apuntarse a Hegoa ha ampliado los horizontes y reafirmado en la opción por una enseñanza transformadora. ”

“Soy un docente vocacional al que apuntarse a Hegoa ha ampliado los horizontes y reafirmado en la opción por una enseñanza transformadora. ”

About Patxi Zabalo

Doctor in economics from the University of the Basque Country / Euskal Herriko Unbertsitatea (UPV / EHU) and Associate Professor in the Department of Applied Economics of that university, he has been working since 1983 at the Faculty of Economics and Business of Bilbao, where he teaches undergraduate and graduate studies on international economics and development.

Attached to the Hegoa Institute since its creation, he participates in the Research Group on Human Security, Local Human Development and International Cooperation from 2010 to the present. His lines of research focus on international agreements on trade and investment, with special attention to their implications for human development in Latin America.
