Institute for International
Cooperation and Development Studies

Project Critical thoughts

Critical reflections on development, theories, approaches and experiences


To strengthen the skills of Basque cooperation and solidarity stakeholders for the critical understanding of the debates about alternatives to development and their implications for international cooperation interventions, based on the contributions of post-developments, feminisms and green sustainability. 


This project seeks to delve further into the contributions being made from post-development, feminisms and green sustainability to the development debate. This will be done by means of reflection and dialogue spaces, research and training materials.

Yesica Álvarez (Hegoa PhD), Cesar Carranza (Teaching Working Group on the Social and Solidarity-Based Economy at the Central University of Ecuador -UCE-), Juan Manuel Crespo (Hegoa PhD student), Diana Gómez Correal (Interdisciplinary Centre of Development Studies -CIDER-  of the University of Los Andes -UNIANDES, Colombia), Elizabeth Jimenez (Postgraduate in Development Sciences at the  University of San Andrés -CIDES UMSA, Bolivia), Ela Pérez (Social, Solidarity-Based and Popular Economy (ESSP) Seminar at the National University of San Marcos -UNMSM, Lima, Peru) have collaborated in this initiative.

Publications and future potentials of the projects:

  • César Carranza Barona: Epistemic emergencies of alternative development models: Sumak Kawsay and Living Well in Ecuador

  • Juan Manuel Crespo: Living Well compared to (neo)extractivism: Alternatives from the territories

  • Unai Villalba, Catalina González-Jamett, Marlyne Sahakian: Complementarities between the social and solidarity-based economy and the circular economy: Case studies in the Basque Country and Western Switzerland

  • Iker Etxano, Jerôme Pelenc: Assessment of human development and sustainability in the territory: Integration of the capabilities approach, ecosystemic services and strong sustainability

  • Juan Telleria, Unai Villalba, Yeni García: Post-development and other practical alternatives  - Posgarapena eta beste aukera praktiko batzuk

  • Yeni García, Leticia Urretabizkaia Gil: Other feminisms and sustainability of life - Bestelako feminismoak eta bizitzaren iraunkortasuna

  • Iker Etxano, Unai Villalba, Yeni García: Green sustainability - Iraunkortasun ekologikoa 

  • Leticia Urretabizkaia Gil: Intersectionality, food sovereignty and feminisms of Abya Yala: case study in Peru: Fenmucarinap

  • Ela Pérez: Rethinking concepts, practices and meanings in alternative economic strategies from the everyday life of women cooperative members of the Central Jungle of Peru

  • Elizabeth Jimenez: Between the mining and the industrialisation of lithium: The commitment to quinoa production in the Southern Altiplano of Bolivia

Videos produced as the result of the project:

  • Network Weaving


  • Permanence and Change Visions of peace and wellbeing of women from the Colombian Caribbean

  • Central Jungle case study

  • Lakabe, land of trees


  • Duration
    December 2018 - December 2020
  • Places
    Euskadi, Colombia, Ecuador, Peru
  • Status


Iker Etxano
Professor and researcher
Unai Villalba
Professor and researcher
Juan Telleria
Professor and researcher


Yeni García
Project management and advisory services
Leticia Urretabizkaia
Professor and researcher/Professor and researcher