Institute for International
Cooperation and Development Studies

Corporate power in Mexico. A study on the impacts of transnational companies on democracy and human rights.

Corporate power in Mexico. A study on the impacts of transnational companies on democracy and human rights.

Júlia Martí Comas

On 21st November, 2017, Júlia Martí Comas defended her doctoral thesis titled: “El poder corporativo en México. Un estudio de los impactos de las empresas transnacionales sobre la democracia y los derechos humanos (Corporate power in Mexico. A study on the impacts of transnational companies on democracy and human rights)”. 

The thesis analyses the growth of corporate power and its consequences on democracy and human rights. For this, it studies the evolution of the different actors in the international scenery, placing particular attention to the dynamics of power between nation-states and transnational companies. More specifically, it analyses the different dimensions of power of transnational companies and the impacts that their activity generates; as well as the transformations of nation-states and their new functions in the neoliberal globalisation context. In addition, the theoretical analysis is complemented with a case study on corporate power in Mexico and its impacts, where the consequences of adaptation to neoliberal globalisation and the role that national and foreign elites have had in the process are analysed.


  • Date
    2017 November 21
  • Grade
    Distinction Cum Laude

Thesis supervisor

Juan Hernández
Professor and researcher

Research lines

Labor relations, social rights and transnational companies