Institute for International
Cooperation and Development Studies


Proposal of a model to measure the impact of culture in sustainable development. The cases of Stockholm, Bilbao and Guadalajara.

Alicia Paola Partída Hernández

On July 16th, 2018, Alicia Paola Partida Hernández defended her thesis titled: Propuesta de un modelo para medir el impacto de la cultura en el desarrollo sostenible. Los casos de Estocolmo, Bilbao y Guadalajara (Proposal of a model to measure the impact of culture in sustainable development. The cases of Stockholm, Bilbao and Guadalajara).

The thesis studies culture and creativity as elements of sustainable development. For this, an exhaustive theoretical analysis and a study on the different cultural and creative indicators are carried out. Thus proposing an indicator that contemplates different categories and groupings with the objective of being applicable to any city. In addition to proposing a wider indicator, it is also implemented to the cities of Stockholm, Bilbao and Guadalajara (Mexico).

The thesis concludes that by incorporating culture as a transversal element of sustainable development, a deconstruction is mandatory and therefore a reformulation of its values.



  • Date
    2018 July 16
  • Grade
    Distinction Cum Laude

Thesis supervisor

Juan Carlos Miguel de Bustos

Research lines

Appropriate technologies for human development and sustainability