Anniversary of Bob Sutcliffe’s passing
We add some references of interest on Bob Sutcliffe, such as the obituaries retrieved from last year. Koldo Unceta and Eduardo Bidaurratzaga remember Bob by highlighting his long academic trajectory. In the text they offer a revision of his most designated works: Bob Sutcliffe. In memorian. In addition, an obituary dedicated to his memory was written by Arthur MacEwan in The Guardian, who widened the text to a new reference with a more personal character.
A great part of his extended work can be researched through the Hegoa Digital Library .
Furthermore, Bob’s conferences are available on the Hegoa’s multimedia service. Here, Bob’s talk in October 2009 Development after the crisis, centred on the analysis of the 2008 economic crisis and the comparative with the great crisis of the Thirties.
Moreover, his inauguration speech for the Hegoa Institute academic year 2010-2011 is also available. Titled Angus Maddison: the history of capitalism , Bob dedicates his talk to his colleague and friend Angus Maddison and presents the evolution of capitalism’s convergence and inequality data in one graph.
Last, we invite you to take a look at the photographic album for Bob , that we will update with the contributions of all the people at Hegoa, to remember the 25 years that we spent with him.