Institute for International
Cooperation and Development Studies

N25. Let's break the silence!

Date: 2024 November 21

On the 25th of November, the Hegoa Institute wants to support the mobilisations called by Euskal Herriko Mugimendu Feminista [Feminist Movement of the Basque Country] in different locations.

The slogan proposed for this day:  Ez bazara konponbidea, arazoa zara. La vergüenza va a cambiar de bando. Brisons le silence [If you are not the solution, you are the problem. Shame is going to change sides. Let's break the silence]’, he challenges us. It points out the need to take a political positioning in order to stand against the violence against all women* and sex-gender-dissident people all over the world.

In our work with women's collectives, feminists and human rights defenders in different territories, we have denounced patriarchal, extractivist, colonialist and capitalist practices held by the global North, which generates different forms of violence.

In order to fight against the multiple forms of violence that the hegemonic system exercises over our lives and our territories, Hegoa continue to weave alliances with diverse women* and collectives from the global South, among others agents committed to social justice.

This November 25th we want to reaffirm our solidarity and commitment to all those women* who resist and fight for a life free of violence. 

Photo: Ecuador Etxea, 25 November 2022.