Institute for International
Cooperation and Development Studies

The Basque Development NGO Coordinator shows concern for the sociopolitical situation in El Salvador

Date: 2021 July 27

The organisations that form part of the Basque Development NGO Coordinator share the preoccupations expressed by the social organisations that we work with in El Salvador regarding the risk of persecution faced by activists, defenders and independent journalists. According to the “Special Report: Attacks against defenders and journalists in the COVID-19 context in El Salvador 2020”, presented by the Association of Journalists in El Savador (APES), The Servicio Social Pasionista (SSPAS) and the Defenders Network (Red de defensoras), of the total registered attacks, 69 were against journalists and 31 against women defenders. We call to the necessity of strengthening work with Salvadoran social organisations for the defense of Human Rights and the rule of law in El Salvador, basic condition for the country to advance in social justice and development.

More information in the attached file.