Strengthening women's economic rights and the solidarity-based economy in municipalities of La Paz
This project seeks to generate a sustainable local human development model based on the principles and practices of the Community and Solidarity-Based Economy with stakeholders of political and civil society (organisation, universities, local municipalities) based on a rights approach and a green culture culture, in four municipalities of La Paz (Batallas, Huatajata, Santiago de Huata and Achacachi), along with educational actions in the Basque Country.
We help to generate conditions that allow the intervention of municipalities in Bolivia (La Paz Altiplano) to transit to a new economy by means of four components:
1. Women belonging to production and services associations acquire knowledge and skills to manage independently.
2. Local governments drive inclusive and solidarity-based economic development.
3. Public university fosters the conceptual construction of solidarity-based and local development.
4. Education for development, training and research in the Basque Country, and its mainstreaming with Bolivia, strengthen the capacity to link up agents of the Community and Solidarity-based Social Economy
Training sessions run as part of the project:
1. International Conference: Public policies, alternative economic strategies and economic rights of women at the National University of San Marcos in Lima (Peru), on 14 and 15 November 2018
2. Online seminar: Social Entrepreneurship in the Solidarity-Based and Social Economy: the role of universities and vocational training centres. 13 October 2020.
3. 2nd online seminar: Social Entrepreneurship in the Solidarity-Based and Social Economy: the role of the territories. 22 October 2020
4. Master's Degree in Community, Solidarity-Based and Plural Economy (2016-17) CIDES UMSA, La Paz.
5. Monographic Courses with the Cooperation Office (UPV/EHU):
o Practical workshops on development cooperation (2018 and 2019)
o Another economy is possible: constructing a sustainable and equitable solidarity-based economy (2017 and 2018);
o Ethical Finance (2020)
1. Sustainable Local Human Development Portal
2. The role of the territories in the Social and Solidarity-based Economy (ESS)
3. Social entrepreneurship in ESS. The role of universities and vocational training centres
4. Public policies, alternative economic strategies and economic rights of women
5. Solidarity-based economy and commitment to gender equity. Experiences and debates from Andean countries and the Basque Country
6. Other economies? Solidarity-based and social economic experiences in Peru
DurationDecember 2015 - October 2020
PlacesBolivia, Euskadi
Links of interest
- Portal de Desarrollo Humano Local Sostenible
- El papel de los territorios en el emprendizaje social en ESS
- Emprendizaje social en ESS. El papel de las universidades y centros de formación profesional
- Políticas públicas, estrategias económico alternativas y derechos económicos de las mujeres
- Economía Solidaria y compromiso con la equidad de género. Experiencias y debates desde países andinos y País Vasco
- ¿Otras economías? Experiencias económico sociales y solidarias en el Perú