Institute for International
Cooperation and Development Studies

Project Education for Social Transformation

Critical University Extension. A proposal of social commitment for global citizenship in the post-pandemic context


To create a framework for Critical University Extension (CUE) through debate and transformative communication.


The project and all its activities are based on four interrelated intervention strategies:

  • Research. In collaboration with the universities involved, an exploratory analysis will be carried out in order to provide an account of the activities and typologies of University Extension that are being carried out. 
  • Theoretical debate, dialogue and proposal. The advances of the analysis, which will give an account of the state of the art, will be submitted - in a training seminar - to a subsequent contrast with the university community and social agents. The aim will be to delimit the challenges that a Critical University Extension faces and incorporate these into the final document that will summarise the exploration of actions and recommendations for positioning the Critical University Extension as a strategy for social change. 
  • Participation and collective construction. The opening of a wider space for participation, other than that of the universities and social groups involved in the project, will take the form of the 1st State Conference on Critical University Extension. With a participative proposal, the Critical University Extension strategic lines and guiding principles will be addressed in working groups. 
  • Other communication. Transformative communication is essential in order to bring all the agents committed to transformation into a generative dialogue and to extend the proposals that promote processes of eco-social transition to the citizenship as a whole. To this end, the project includes a communication plan that proposes alternative resources, languages and formats. Among other actions, an interactive letter with the principles of the Critical University Extension will be created, as well as a monographic podcast and two editions of the journal Hariak. Recreating emancipatory education. An online presentation will present the results of the project and will serve as the final activity of the project. 
